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Partnership between Institutions and Youth Organisations

The Peace Cruise is an example of successful partnership between youth organisations and institutions, based on confidence and coherence. The project is being managed by the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM).

The Peace Cruise is a pilot project of the Euro-Mediterranean Youth Action Programme provided for in the Cultural Chapter-Youth section within the framework of the Barcelona Declaration (November 1995) signed jointly by the 15 countries of the European Union and 12 Mediterranean countries. The programme was launched mutually by DG1B and DGXXII of the European Commission. "The Peace Cruise is a tremendous way for us to show the youth organisations of the Mediterranean that their activities have the support of Europe", explained Monique Prosperger, principal administrator with the European Commission (DG XXII).

Developed and organised by WOSM since July 1997, the Peace Cruise is viewed as a concrete, innovative and pluralistic activity that is open to the youth organisations of the whole Mediterranean Basin without distinction. More than 250 member organisations of the European Youth Forum, Mediterranean Youth Forum and WOSM have been concerned, and 40 of them are now involved.

This ambitious operation has received political and financial support from UNESCO, which is using the Peace Cruise to promote the International Year of the Culture of Peace proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly. The cruise ship will fly the UN flag throughout its course.

Finally, the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe has supported the operation by co-financing the training of trainers prepared by the Centre for the Practical Study of International in Geneva. For Miguel Angel Martinez, Chairman of the North-Youth Centre of the Council of Europe, "the Peace Cruise is proof that young people today can act dynamically and generously, and, in this way, be an example to everyone".

Press Relations
Jordane Bertrand
World Scout Bureau - European Office
38 avenue de la Porte de Hal, 1060 Brussels
Tel : +32 2 534 33 15      Fax : + 32 2 706 52 67



