Dr. Jacques Moreillon President of the Partners' Committee Secretary General of the World Organization of the Scout Movement
Jacques Moreillon aboard the Black Knight, at Valparaiso, Chile. |
Dominique Bénard Regional Director, European Scout Region
At the helm of the Black Knight at Valparaiso (Chile). Dominique takes stock of the magnificent adventure that he initiated.
Richard Amalvy Project Director Age: 35
Responsibilities: Design of the project, general coordination and external representation.
Previous Professional Experience: Studies in law, journalism, sociology and theatre. Former parliamentary assistant and journalist. Director of External Relations of the European Scout Region since September 1996.
A former Bureau member of the European Youth Forum, Richard was a co-founder of the Mediterranean Youth Forum and prepared the launch of the Euro-Mediterranean Action Programme in co-operation with intergovernmental organisations.
Languages: French, English, Spanish
Hobbies: Theatre, cinema, gastronomy, environment, friends and family.
Nationality: French
Anna Louise Keep Deputy Project Director Age: 27
Responsibilities: Programme Committee, Training the Trainers, participants' recruitment and travel trainers' and co-ordinators' recruitment and travel, HQ co-ordination during the Peace Cruise.
Previous Professional experience:
Studied interpreting and translating and Latin American Politics. Project Officer for Membership Services for the European Youth Forum.
Languages: English, French, Spanish
Hobbies: Scouting (Cub Scout Leader), walking, reading, cooking
Nationality: British |
Jordane Bertrand Assistant for Press and External Relations Age : 23
Responsibilities : External and press relations.
Previous Professional Experience:
Studied African history and carried out research on the Rwandan crisis. Worked as a consultant for the French ministry of co-operation.
Languages: French, English, Portuguese
Hobbies: Scouting,cinema, travelling
Nationality: French |
Pontus Ekstam Logistical Support Officer Age : 26
Responsibilities: Logistical issues such as travel, visa etc
Previous Professional Experience: Program Secretary for AFS Sweden, employed for the 19th World Scout Jamboree in the Communication and Promotion area, responsible for arrivals and departures.
Languages: Swedish, English, French, Spanish
Hobbies: Scouting, traveling, discovering...
Nationality: Swedish |
Frank Bauler Logistics Officer Age: 32
Responsibilities : Logistical aspects
Professional Experience: Responsible for refugees, Luxembourg Red Cross; Chief Instructor in Civil Protection
Languages: Luxemburgish, French, German, English
Hobbies: Scouting, mountain biking, golf
Nationality: Luxembourg |
Waldemar Mieczkowski Captain of the Zawisca Czarny Nationality : Polish