banner-water-01-01  Peace Events

Join us at the Peace Events in your country !

Youth events are organised to place the Peace Cruise within a wider context and to bring together the largest possible number of young people during the main events held around the Eastern basin of the Mediterranean.


Alexandria, Egypt, 8 August 1999

Alexandria East Harbour

Sunday 8 August
17h00 Sporting activities organised by the Sea Scouts of Alexandria : sailing, diving,etc...
20h00 Official launch of the Peace Cruise
21h00 Show organised by the Sea Scouts of Alexandria
22h00 Dinner offered by  Vice Admiral Mohamed Anwar Abdel Latif

Organising Committees :

Egyptian Scout Federation
5 Shanan Street-El Galaa Street

Alexandria Sea Scouts
Scout Activity Center
Alexandria East Harbour


Gaza, Palestine, 12 August 1999
International Youth Day

The Peace Event in Gaza could not take place because of the refusal of the Israeli government to allow the Black Knight to enter the old fishing port of Gaza. This decision was reinforced by a reciprocal measure by the Palestinian authorities concerning welcome of the Peace Sailors by road from Ashdod

See Diary 11 and 12 August

Organising Committee :

Palestinian Scout Association
PO Box 469
tel : +972 72 82 9222
fax : +972 72 82 47 42


Haifa, Israel, 16 August 1999

Haifa City Hall

Sunday 15 August
10h00 Welcome of the Peace Sailors by the Youth Committee of the Municipality of Haifa
11h00 Visit of Haifa
15h00 Seminar on fight against violence with the participation of 30 young Israelis
from youth organisations
19h00 Peace Event under the Presidency of the Mayor of Haifa

Jerusalem-The Knesset

Monday 16 August
10h00 Visit of Jerusalem
15h00 Meeting with Mr. Naef Masalcha, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs,
16h00 Meeting with
Mr. Shimon Peres, Nobel Prize Winner, former Prime Minister and Minister of Regional Development

Organising Committee :

Israel Boy and Scout Federation
49, Lochamel Galipoli Street
67068 Tel Aviv


Larnaca, Cyprus, 19 August 1999

Larnaca City Hall

Thurday 19 August
10h00 Welcome of the Peace Sailors by the Cyprus Scout Association
Photographic exhibition
15h00 The Peace Sailors and young Cypriots share experiences
19h00 Cyprus Folk Dances

Organising Committee :

Cyprus Scout Association
Govt. House Compound Z n48


Beirut, Lebanon, 23 August 1999

Following the refusal of the Lebanese authorities to welcome the Peace Cruise in the port of Beirut and to allow young Lebanese participants to take part in legs 2 and 3, the leaders of the Peace Cruise were forced to change the initially planned route. The new itinerary will be announced in the coming hours

Organising Committee :

Fédération du Scoutisme Libanais
Rue Selim Bustros, Achrafieh
tel : +961 1 38 32 07
fax : +961 1 38 32 06


Istanbul, Turkey, 10 September 1999

Olympic House of Istanbul

Friday 10 September
10h00 : Welcome of the Peace Sailors, Tour of the city of Istanbul
16h00 : Youth Forum about
the role of Youth Organisations on Reconciliation, Peace and Humanitarian disasters.

Organising Committee :

Scouting and Guiding Federation of Turkey
Sanayi Cad. No28/76
Noshet Atav Ishani
06050 Ulus-Ankara
tel : +90 312 310 93 61
fax : +90 312 310 93 61


Thessaloniki, Greece, 14 September 1999
International Year of the Culture of Peace

Harbour of Thessaloniki - White Tower

Tuesday 14 September
10h00 : Welcome of the Peace Sailors in the harbour of Thessaloniki.
13h00 :
Declaration of the Peace Sailors to the Secretary General of the United-Nations, to the Director General of Unesco, to the President of the European Union, and to the President of the Council of Europe, on the occasion of the official launch of the International Year of the Culture of Peace.
Video-conference with Mr. Federico Mayor, Director General of Unesco.
18h00 : Welcome of the Peace Sailors by the Mayor of Thessaloniki, Peace Event in front of the White Tower.

Organising Committe :

Soma Hellinon Proskopon
Vasileos Georgiou 1
546 40 Thessaloniki
tel/fax : +30 31 846 536


Piraeus, Greece, 22 September 1999

Zappion - Piraeus

Wednesday 22 September
10h00 : The Peace Sailors visit Athens.
12h00 : Round-table about the role of Youth Organisations on Peace, Reconciliation and situations of humanitarian emergencies.
19h00 : Peace Event at the theater of Piraeus.

Organising Committe :

Soma Hellinon Proskopon
1 Ptolemeon Street
116 35 Athens
tel : +30 1 723 21 65
fax : 30 1 723 65 61




